Fruits beneath the Leaves - "Ilai Marai Kaaikal"

Fruits beneath the Leaves - "Ilai Marai Kaaikal"

This page is dedicated to those who work without any publicity to the poor and needy from their own efforts and money. They were not much noticed by any medias.

They are the so called

"Volunteering without Borders"

in a sense.

Mr. Balendran Thambirajah - Formerly of Montreal, Quebec - Canada now living in "Vaddukottai" - Sri Lanka. The above picture: Left - Right - 1st Mr. Umapathy (Bala's Brother-in-Law), Mrs. Yogeswari Raveenthiramoorthy, Raveenthiramoorthy (self), far right Mr. Balendran Thambirajah. Taken at a wedding of his niece on 18 Nov 2016 in Toronto - Sai Baba Divine Centre

  1. Mr. Balendran Thamibiirajah came to Canada in the year 1971 from London - England.
  2. He is a professional Electronics Engineer and worked many years as the Senior Instrumenst Engineer at Pratt and Whitney - Aerospace at Longeuil, Quebec -Canada.
  3. He had helped many Tamil refugees who came from Sri Lanka in the year 1982 and later. He had participated in many social activities and wanted to render his services to all those who were in need of Education, Shelter and other essentials.
  4. His participation at Eelam Tamil Association - Montreal and later with Saiva Mission of Quebec that administered Montreal Murugan Tempel was remarkable indeed.
  5. He had also participated with other members of the social groups in Monteral and Toronto and voiced our concerns in Ottawa to UNHCR.
  6. He had taken early retirement and went on a very noble mission to Sri Lanka to help the orphans and displaced young children from the War Torn part of Northrn Sri Lanka. He is now managing two such orphanages from his retirement money.
  7. One in Vaddukottai (VALLUVAR ILLAM") and another in Mullaitheevu. Approximatley a total of over 50 children living in a decent comfortble life that was denied to them due to the Civil War.
  8. We owe Mr. Balendran Thambirajah a lot from our hearts.
  9. It is quite difficult to find a person of his caliber that is quite rare in humanity of our time.
  10. I take my hat off for him from the bottom of my heart.